If you have a Mechanical Specialties Primary or Remote Cargo hook in need of an overhaul, starting that process is now easier than ever. Complete and submit the form below, then just ship your hook(s) to us. This form will serve as our authorization to proceed. You will receive a copy of this form at the email address provided. If you still prefer to issue a PO, you can use the amount generated by this form to complete your PO before submitting, then just put a copy of the PO with your hooks when you ship.
You may request an overhaul for up to four hooks using this form. If you have additional hooks, just submit them as a separate order. While not all fields are required, completing as much of the form as possible will allow us to provide more complete and faster service. We strive for a 48-hour turn around from time of receipt/authorization to shipping your overhauled hook back to you. To save time and shipping costs, please remove all guards or other attachments before sending in your hook for overhaul.
Note: Pricing is based on basic cargo hook overhaul. Any items not included in basic overhaul, deemed unserviceable upon disassembly and inspection will be quoted prior to proceeding with overhaul. Listed pricing does not include sales/excise taxes where applicable. If customer shipping is not used, shipping/handling charges will be billed. Authorization to proceed dependent upon customer credit terms/limits.